Hajj is definitely a Most important Religious duty that a Muslim need to perform at least once within his lifetime, who's in a position to afford and keep the expenses of travel. A Muslim being potentially and financially capable to perform Hajj is known as Mustati and this state of Muslim is named Istita’ah.
During Hajj Pilgrims put on 2 pieces white cloth called Ihraam. This is actually the religious cloth that men pilgrims have to put on throughout Hajj. While feminine Pilgrims wear clothing from head to feet.
Total Pakistani’s candidaets’ will Performs Hajj in This Year 2014 , 143,000
(i) Governement Hajj Scheme :: 56,684
(ii) Under Private Scheme :: 86,684
Total Application’s Recieved :: 127,000 ( Govt Hajj Scheme )
Hajj list 2014, Hajj Scheme 2014 List, hajj final list 2014, Pakistani candidate list
During Hajj Pilgrims put on 2 pieces white cloth called Ihraam. This is actually the religious cloth that men pilgrims have to put on throughout Hajj. While feminine Pilgrims wear clothing from head to feet.
Total Pakistani’s candidaets’ will Performs Hajj in This Year 2014 , 143,000
(i) Governement Hajj Scheme :: 56,684
(ii) Under Private Scheme :: 86,684
Total Application’s Recieved :: 127,000 ( Govt Hajj Scheme )
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