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Actress Meera completed her English language course

It’s been decade; I've been watching Meera on tv screen, since that time there's barely any quarter in a yr Meera didn’t hit the media without having any news. Well, coming back into the point; apart from her controversies; Meera is widely famous for her english language. Back then I remember there was a video which moved viral on social media and YouTube in which Meera was to interview famous fashion professional photographer Tapu Javeri. I can bet that no one could stay still after seeing that entertaining video clip.

Leaving past apart, the news is that Meera is finally a graduated with English language degree from Canada. She has successfully completed her course from Canada and America. The course was of 2 months; and she'll be awarded with degree after 15 days.

She was later noticed in a fashion show; interviewed in English and to everyone’s shock she spoke well. A good news indeed, atleast we can expect that our actress can now talk in ‘Angrazi’ and will picture educated image of Pakistan.

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