Last year, Hollywood movie manufacturer Brett Ratner indicated a desire to work with Shah Rukh Khan. Recognized for his movies like the Rush Hour series and X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), Ratner has now put SRK amongst his favourite actors.
“My favorite stars ever are John Cazale, Sterling Hayden, and definitely Shah Rukh Khan, Robert Deniro and Al Pacino! (sic), Ratner tweeted on June 8. SRK returned the compliment on June 9, by re-tweeting the trailer of Ratner’s future film, Hercules, stating, wow…a man with a cause
A year ago, Ratner had replied to one of SRK’s twitter posts, saying, …I'd love to work along with you one day!! Big fan!!! (sic).” To which, the actor had responded, “…would be my honor. I am an avid fans of ur work & a massive fan of your films. Would like to come & witness u work on sets 1 day.
“My favorite stars ever are John Cazale, Sterling Hayden, and definitely Shah Rukh Khan, Robert Deniro and Al Pacino! (sic), Ratner tweeted on June 8. SRK returned the compliment on June 9, by re-tweeting the trailer of Ratner’s future film, Hercules, stating, wow…a man with a cause
A year ago, Ratner had replied to one of SRK’s twitter posts, saying, …I'd love to work along with you one day!! Big fan!!! (sic).” To which, the actor had responded, “…would be my honor. I am an avid fans of ur work & a massive fan of your films. Would like to come & witness u work on sets 1 day.
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