Home � PTCL EVO, Vfone and PTCKL Wingle Online Bill Payments through UBL Netbanking

PTCL EVO, Vfone and PTCKL Wingle Online Bill Payments through UBL Netbanking

We have great news for United Bank Limited consumers who are using PTCL Services. After Wateen & Wi-tribe, UBL Netbanking now offers PTCL Evo & PTCL Vfone billing. It’s not easy to purchase recharge cards of these services. These cards are available on only big shops. Qubee and Mobilink Infinity users are also looking toward UBL to avail internet banking.

Now you could make your PTCL Evo (including Evo Wingle) & Vfone payments from the comfort of your home. This feature is for both Post Paid and Prepaid PTCL customers.

In last couple of months, Most of PTCL Evo users shifted to Wingle device and that’s why these people were also searching online payment method. It’s pertinent to say here that UBL Net banking option one of most ranked internet banking services in Pakistan. Also, they are providing mobile phone load services for Ufone, Warid and Zong subscribers.

To include PTCL Evo & Vfone to your list of bills, simply follow the instructions below:

1) Log on to UBL Netbanking
2) Go to the Bills Management Page
3) Go to the Broadband Internet Bills area (in the bottom of web page) & click on ‘Add Broadband Internet Bills’
4) You will find both VPTCL & PTCL Evo in the Broadband Internet Section along with Wateen & Wi-tribe.
5) Enter your MDN number & get verification of consumer name from PTCL


1 comments to "PTCL EVO, Vfone and PTCKL Wingle Online Bill Payments through UBL Netbanking"

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