On 16th Feb . at minimum 84 people were murdered and around 200 injured in a bomb blast in busy marketplace of Quetta focusing on Shiah Hazaras. Soon after the attack significant protests, sit-ins were observed in different cities of pakistan. Life was paralyzed in various cities also.
Pakistan Muslim League - Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) demanded military arrangement in Quetta for improvement of law and order all over the city. PTI president Imran Khan stated: “Indeed there is constituent provision for deployment of armed forces under Article 245 of the constitution, the military can be deployed in Quetta based over to the demand of the sufferer the entire family of Hazara local community.
Soon after smash in Quetta in January (which murdered over 100 people) provincial state administration of Balochistan was dismissed and governor’s rule was imposed inside the entire of Balochistan. This was set up to further improve law and order and it was hoped that terrorist strike will likely to be stopped in the future.
Unfortunately this latest bomb attack has displayed that it doesn't matter who is handling the government issues, the one thing which matters is integrity. Any government who hosts their period by honesty and without having political disturbance in law enforcement agencies then these kind of bombing will not happen in the future.
In the end I like to ask PML-N and PTI whenever forces is deployed in Quetta right after which bomb blast happened again so do they really demand NATO deployment in the city?
Pakistan Muslim League - Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) demanded military arrangement in Quetta for improvement of law and order all over the city. PTI president Imran Khan stated: “Indeed there is constituent provision for deployment of armed forces under Article 245 of the constitution, the military can be deployed in Quetta based over to the demand of the sufferer the entire family of Hazara local community.
Soon after smash in Quetta in January (which murdered over 100 people) provincial state administration of Balochistan was dismissed and governor’s rule was imposed inside the entire of Balochistan. This was set up to further improve law and order and it was hoped that terrorist strike will likely to be stopped in the future.
Unfortunately this latest bomb attack has displayed that it doesn't matter who is handling the government issues, the one thing which matters is integrity. Any government who hosts their period by honesty and without having political disturbance in law enforcement agencies then these kind of bombing will not happen in the future.
In the end I like to ask PML-N and PTI whenever forces is deployed in Quetta right after which bomb blast happened again so do they really demand NATO deployment in the city?

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