Pop Benedct XVI Resigned Because He Converted to Islam :
A large number of rumor has spread that Pope Benedict XVI resigned from the Catholic Church’s highest office because he was converted to Islam. Huge number of people on Facebook, Twitter have shared this that Pope Benedict XVI has now accept Islam. Pope Benedict XVI served as the 265th pope from 2005 to 2013. He was the leader of the Catholic Church and Supreme of the Vatican City State.
Acceding to internet reports several other people with Pope Benedict XVI have converted to Islam but media is not at all displaying this and is not reporting on this news. Yet still its not confirm that whether this rumor is reality Or Fiction.
Its pertinent to mention here that in Sep 2006 Pope Benedict XVI delivered a lecture at the University of Regensburg in Germany in which he stated many controversial materials on which various Islamic politicians and religious leaders registered their protest against whatever they stated was an insulting mischaracterisation of Islam.

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